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Grants Program
International Awards

“Our goal must be a world in which good health is a pillar of individual well-being, national progress, and international stability and peace. This cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community, and civil society.”

— Kofi A. Annan, ex-Secretary-General of the United Nations

Rewarding Excellence, Encouraging Leadership... » Voluntary Service 

En Español

"… to recognize outstanding contributions to public health by volunteers or non-governmental organizations working to improve the lives of the peoples of Latin American and the Caribbean"

The 2008 Call for Nominations is closed.

Throughout the Americas, the role of civil society is growing. This generates opportunities for creative development, and provides support and services for those in need or those who might be marginalized in society. Partnerships between civil society, the public sector, business, and the international community can be effective mechanisms for social development. In the area of health, such partnerships are being viewed as important constructs for equity and sustainability.

The Clarence H. Moore Award for Voluntary Service, created in 1989, is one of five awards presented by the Pan American Health and Education Foundation through its Awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health Program, a partnership between the Foundation and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

To recognize the benefits that the voluntary/non-governmental sector contributes to the public health mission and to improving the lives of the peoples of the Americas, the Pan American Health and Education Foundation established the Clarence H. Moore Award. This award calls attention to the achievements of NGOs located in Latin America and the Caribbean in public health, and celebrates these achievements.

A distinguished jury of public health professionals reviews nominations, and recommends a candidate to the board of trustees of the Foundation for final selection.

The award is presented at a ceremony organized by the PAHO/WHO Office in the winner's country, and coordinated with the Ministry of Health or other appropriate national institutions. The awardee receives US$2500 and a certificate of merit.
