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Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness Program, Guyana

PAHEF and PAHO Present the 2011 Sérgio Arouca Award for Excellence in Universal Health Care Winner

» Award Overview
» Biography
» Past Winners and Recognition

_dsc00942On September 26, 2011, the Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) jointly presented the Sérgio Arouca Award for Excellence in Universal Health Care to the Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI) Program, which is under the Disease Control Program of the Ministry of Health of Guyana. The award was accepted by the director of the Adolescent and Young Adult Health and Wellness Unit, Dr. Marcia Paltoo, at a special event in Washington, DC.

Read more: Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness Program, Guyana

Dr. Francisca Samsing, Mayor University, Chile

PAHEF and PAHO Present the 2011 Pedro N. Acha Award for  Excellence in Veterinary Public Health Winner

» Award Overview

» Biography
» Past Winners and Recognition

Read more: Dr. Francisca Samsing, Mayor University, Chile

Awards for Excellence 2011 - Today is the day!

Today is the Day!Latin American Health Leaders to be Honored by PAHEF and PAHO

WHAT: The annual PAHO/PAHEF Awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health will be presented to public health leaders to recognize their contributions in the key areas of leadership, health literature, veterinary public health, voluntary service, bioethics, and universal health care. The awards are cosponsored by the Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Read more: Awards for Excellence 2011 - Today is the day!

PAHEF and four previous winners of the Manuel Velasco Suárez Award for Excellence in Bioethics attended the FELAIBE Conference in Viña del Mar, Chile, in late June.

chile1In late June, PAHEF and four previous winners of the Manuel Velasco Suárez (MVS) Award for Excellence in Bioethics  (Dr. María Graciela de Ortúzar [2004, Argentina], Prof. Patricia Sorokin [2005, Argentina], Dr. Jorge A. Alvarez [2007, México], and Dr. Paulina Taboada [2010, Chile]) participated in the regional conference for the Latin American and Caribbean Federation of Bioethics Institutions (Federación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Instituciones en Bioética, FELAIBE) in Viña del Mar, Chile. PAHEF led, via Board member Dr. Ricardo Uauy, a moderated roundtable discussion primarily focused on the MVS Award, which highlighted the research projects of the Award winners present at the FELAIBE Conference. PAHEF also participated in a plenary session on the mutual collaboration for the MVS Award alongside partners Dr. JoséTorres Mejía, on behalf of the Secretary of Health of México, and Dr. Carla Saenz, on behalf of the Pan American Health Organization.

First World Hepatitis Day to be launched on July 28, 2011

Hepatitis is one of the most serious and prevalent infectious conditions in the world today. Yet, many people remain unaware of its shocking toll on global health.[1]According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one million deaths a year are attributed to viral hepatitis infections. In fact, nearly one out of every three people in the world (approximately 2 billion people) has been infected by the hepatitis b virus (HBV) and one in twelve (more than 520 million people) live with chronic HBV or the hepatitis c virus (HCV) infection, which jointly are the leading cause for liver cancer in the world (78% of all cases).[2]

Read more: First World Hepatitis Day to be launched on July 28, 2011

Attention Bioethics Community: Join PAHO & PAHEF and our Bioethics Awardees June 23 – 25 in Viña del Mar, Chile for the FELAIBE Conference

Join us and meet all six past winners of the Manuel Velasco Suárez Award for Excellence in Bioethics at the FELAIBE conference being held June 23 - 25 in Viña del Mar, Chile

Learn more at:

PAHEF Welcomes Dr. Gilberto Kac to the Board of Directors

The Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) is proud to welcome Dr. Gilberto Kac of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University’s Josué de Castro Institute of Nutrition to the board of  directors. Currently a professor of epidemiology, Dr. Kac has focused his research in areas including nutritional education interventions, maternal obesity, and population nutritional assessment.

Read more: PAHEF Welcomes Dr. Gilberto Kac to the Board of Directors

One Week Left to Submit Your Awards for Excellence Nomination

clock-for-webThe clock is ticking for you to play an integral role in public health in the Americas by nominating outstanding programs, institutions, and individuals for the 2011 PAHO/PAHEF Awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health.

The deadline to submit a nomination is May 13th, 2011, 5:00 p.m. ET (Washington, DC, time).

Submit your nomination today at

Learn more about each award at:

Read more: One Week Left to Submit Your Awards for Excellence Nomination

PAHO, PAHEF Outline Future Cooperation

WASHINGTON, DC (May 3, 2011)
- Top officials of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) held a high-level retreat recently to begin developing a new strategic roadmap for improved cooperation between the two organizations.

Read more: PAHO, PAHEF Outline Future Cooperation

A Sample of Recent PAHEF Projects in the Region