Funding from PAHEF Made Project Possible, Helped Bolivia Reduce HCAIs by More than 50 Percent
Media Contacts:
In Bolivia:
Dr. Esther Paula Damiani Moises
Cel: 011-591-7061-9572
In U.S.A.:
Ashley Gatewood
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA (November 3, 2010) – Today, the significant strides Bolivia has made in reducing health care-associated infections and improving patient safety were celebrated with some of the country’s most prominent health figures in attendance. The event was held at The Ministry of Health & Sports and members of Bolivia’s health community, including Dr. Christian Barres, the PAHO/WHO representative, gave speeches to commemorate this achievement as well as to launch the publication of an infection control manual, “Vigilancia, Prevención y Control de Infecciones Asociadas a Servicios de Salud.” Other event attendees included Dr. Nila Heredia, Minister of Health, and the director of INLASA.
Many of the projects that lead to this reduction in HCAIs were made possible with funding from the Pan American Health and Education Foundation's (PAHEF) own program monies and a fund at PAHEF established by the People of Taiwan. The Bolivian National Institute of Health developed the project plan, which included creating a network of seven hospitals to collect and share infection data. As a result, the incidents of HCAIs were reduced by more than 50 percent.
With the publication of this new manual, health care workers from throughout Latin America will learn how to prevent and treat HCAIs, which will ultimately improve patient safety. Remarking on the manual’s publication, Dr. Barres said, “"The authors hope that this will serve as an important information source for all doctors, dentists, nurses, public health personnel, epidemiologists, and laboratory personnel involved in the control and prevention of health care-associated infections."
The manual, which was published by PAHEF’s Expanded Textbook and Instructional Materials Program (PALTEX), contains more than 1,000 pages. Over 40 volunteers from Bolivia, Chile, the United States, and Great Britain contributed towards writing the various chapters. It is anticipated that the manual will greatly contribute toward educating the next generation of health professionals in Bolivia on this vital topic.
While the network of seven hospitals has been instrumental in improving patient safety in La Paz and El Alto, it is hoped that a nationwide network can be established to help reduce HCAIs throughout the nation.
Read more about this project.
Founded in 1968, the Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) public charity that works with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other strategic partners in the Americas to mobilize resources and jointly address key health, education, and training priorities. With a deep knowledge of major health concerns and strong relationships with key stakeholders in the region, PAHEF builds successful partnerships and projects that advance health in the Americas.