Indigenous Health

When providing health care to indigenous people, it is imperative to address the population’s unique needs. Treatments and education must take into account cultural and religious beliefs, family structure, and language.


PAHEF projects recognize the distinct health care needs of indigenous people throughout the Americas and ensure that culturally-relevant care is provided.


Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Posadas: To implement selective monitoring and screening for cervical cancer of women in Guarani indigenous communities of the Central Region of Misiones. ($13,200)


World Neighbors: To contribute to improved nutritional status and health of the Quechua and Aymara indigenous peoples in remote north Potosi by identifying and promoting healthy infant feeding and child care practices that lead to sustainable, long-term behavioral changes. ($24,000)

FUND-ECO, La Paz: To support a study on ocular damage from exposure to ultraviolet rays among the Aymara indigenous population in the Altiplano, as well as changes in customs (traditional wide brim hat vs. other head coverings such as baseball caps) and habits among indigenous children and young adults. The results of this study will be used to develop a program focused on promoting preventive measures, especially among children, to reduce the adverse effects of UVR on human health. ($46,900)

Fondo Indígena: To support five scholarships for the first year of training at the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua (URACCAN) leading to a degree in Specialization in Intercultural Management of Health. ($15,000)


Associação Saúde Sem Limites: To analyze the impact that living in permanent settlements has had on the welfare on the health conditions of the traditionally nomadic Hupd’äh indigenous peoples. The study formed the basis for developing strategies to improve their health and quality of life with the full participation of the Hupd’äh. ($25,000)


Gender, Ethnicity, and Reproductive Health among the Indigenous Population at the Colombian-Ecuadorian Border: To help provide culturally–appropriate sexual and reproductive health services (education and care) to the indigenous population. ($24,998)


Population Council, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico City: To help identify and propose feasible strategies that help make maternity waiting homes widely and appropriately used, of higher quality, and more culturally acceptable to indigenous women and their families in Guatemala. ($47,985)

Education and Health Institute-IES: To help expand and enhance the supply of sexual and reproductive health services for indigenous adolescents in the Apurímac area. The Apurimac region is one of the rural areas where the problem of teen pregnancy and maternal mortality is a priority for the health sector. ($25,000)




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Nomination Deadline 07.20.2012 17:00 hs -3
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