Special Initiatives
Día Mundial de Prevención del Embarazo no Planificado en Adolescentes (Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention in Adolescents Day)Since 2008, PAHEF has worked closely with Bayer Pharmaceuticals and MTV as a partner in Latin American-focused Día Mundial de Prevención del Embarazo no Planificado en Adolescentes. PAHEF also worked with Bayer Pharmaceuticals and nearly a dozen other nonprofits, including Population Council, Marie Stopes International, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, in the globally-focused World Contraception Day campaign. By providing information about contraception and sexual health, the campaigns empower youth to take responsibility to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Malaria Champions of the Americas AwardThe Malaria Champions of the Americas Award honors innovative efforts that have significantly contributed towards overcoming the challenges of malaria in communities, countries, and the Region of the Americas. The award is presented annually and is a partnership between PAHEF, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the George Washington University Center for Global Health. Creating a Dialogue about Chronic Diseases along the U.S.-Mexico BorderPAHEF, in conjunction with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, hosted an event in March 2010 in Washington, DC, to address the challenge of chronic diseases along the U.S.-Mexico border. Participants included the Mexican Ministry of Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Canyon Ranch Institute, U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission, and the National Latino Children’s Institute. Drug HarmonizationIn the Americas there is a need to promote harmonization to facilitate the availability of safe, effective, and high quality pharmaceuticals and thereby protect public health. PAHEF supports PAHO in facilitating the communication and exchange of information in this area among all interested parties through periodic seminars and conferences throughout the region. |