Grants to PAHO
Since 2000, the Pan American Health and Education Foundation has made more than 250 grants to improve the health of children and families, to support medical and nursing education, to strengthen the capacities of health workers, and to advance research.
The Foundation makes grants consistent with its mission to improve the health of the people of the Americas. Specifically, grants are given for projects that focus on operations research, policy development and capacity building; develop models with high potential for replication; have a clear end point and measurable impact; have a high probability of success; and support lines of work that fall within the prioritiesof the Foundation.
For more than 40 years, PAHEF has supported the Pan American Health Organization initially with joint programming. PAHEF has expanded its support through various grants, including those to the Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH) whose Secretariat is located at the PAHO Headquarters in Washington, D.C. PANDRH promotes harmonization of drug regulations in terms of quality, safety, and efficacy thereby supporting improved quality of life and health care for the people of Americas. PANDRH also focuses on pharmaceutical quality in the laboratory, and helps assure that the best laboratory practices are implemented throughout the Americas.
PAHO / Area of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief: To help purchase an emergency health kit that would help alleviate the health situation in the aftermath of recent hurricanes that struck the country. ($10,500)
PAHO / ProVac Initiative: To strengthen national capacity in Bolivia, Cuba, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras and Nicaragua to make evidence-based, informed policy decisions regarding vaccine introduction leading to continued reduction in child mortality and improve women’s health. (Approx. $5,000,000)
Pan American Network for the Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH): PAHEF continues its support of PANDRH, which promotes harmonization of drug regulations in terms of quality, safety and efficacy thereby supporting improved quality of life and health care for the people of the member countries of the Americas. PANDRH also focuses on pharmaceutical quality at the laboratory, and helps assure that the best laboratory practices are implemented throughout the Americas. The PAHNDRH Secretariat is located at the PAHO/WHO Headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 2008, PAHEF supported PANDRH activities in the amount of $186,735 in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay.
PAHO-El Paso Office and Six Universities along the Mexico-US Border: To cover the costs of the planning phase of a 5-yr project that aims to reduce chronic diseases along the border. ($40,272)
PAHO / Area of Technology, Health Care, & Research: To help support participation of radiographers and radiological technologists of the region to the Sub regional Workshop on X-ray Equipment Maintenance and Repairs held in June ($7,000)
PANDRH/PAHO Best Laboratory Practices: To help support the costs of participants that attended two meetings in Rio de Janeiro in November. ($16,338)
PANDRH/PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guía para la Verificación de Buenas Practicas de Manufactura in San José in March. ($7900)
PAHO / Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP): To apply an intervention model for the prevention of childhood malnutrition through promotion of healthy diet and physical activity in elementary school children. ($49,880)
PANDRH/PAHO Best Laboratory Practices: To help support the costs of two participants that attended the Quinta Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorios or Sexto Curso de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio in Guatemala City in May and June. ($25,759)
PANDRH/PAHO Best Laboratory Practices: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio de Control Farmacéutico in Tegucigalpa in January and February. ($11,983)
PAHO/WHO Representation Office: In partnership with Exxon, to purchase microscopes and fogging machines to enhance the effectiveness of the laboratory and vector control program. ($19,050)
PAHO / Interamerican Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS): To improve the effectiveness of the social and health services for older adults in Latin America and the Caribbean. ($24,750)
Capitalization of the PAHO Revolving Fund for Sustainable Vaccine Supply to the Americas: In partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to review the strategic positioning of the fund and revise projections of capital requirements for the introduction of new and underutilized vaccines such as rotavirus, Pneumococcus sp., seasonal influenza, and human papillomavirus. ($378,000)
PANDRH/PAHO Best Laboratory Practices: To help support the costs of a participant that attended the Taller de HPLC y Disolución para Medicamentos ARV in Managua in May. ($2,644)
PANDRH/PAHO Pharmaceutical Forum Project Fund: To help support the costs of a participant that attended two meetings iin Asunción in August. ($975)
PANDRH/PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of the Curso Nacional de Buenas Prácticas Clínicas in Lima in October. ($23,933)
PANDRH/PAHO Pharmaceutical Forum Project Fund: To help support the costs of a participant that attended the III Jornada de Farmacia Comunitaria y la Reunión de Buenas Prácticas de Farmacia y de Atención Farmacéutica en Diabetes held in Montevideo in April. ($588)
PANDRH/PAHO Best Laboratory Practices: To help support the costs of two participants that attended the Curso Nacional de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio de Control Farmacéutico in Caracas in March. ($14,300)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in La Paz from June 12-16 2006. ($11,013)
PAHO Best Laboratory Practices: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Cuarta Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorios y Tercer Grupo de Buenas Prácticas para Laboratorios de Control Farmaceútico to be held in La Paz, from Nov 3-10, 2006. A very important contribution of the Pan American Network for the Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH) is the pharmaceutical quality assurance through the national drug quality control laboratory implementing the best laboratory practice throughout the Member countries of the Americas. The Professional Secretariat is located in the PAHO/WHO Headquarters in Washington, D.C. ($11,415)
PAHO Pharmaceutical Forum: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Congreso de la Federación Farmacéutica Internacional and Asamblea del Foro Farmacéutico de las Américas, in Salvador Bahía, from Aug 21-28, 2006. The Forum aims to strengthen pharmaceutical practices in the region through the promotion and coordination of activities and projects that involve pharmacists in national public health policies. The Professional Secretariat is located in the PAHO/WHO Headquarters in Washington, D.C. ($2,620)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Santiago, from July 31- Aug 4, 2006. ($10,600)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of the participation of Dr. Rosalba Alzate, a key facilitator, who attended the meeting of Curso de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorios de Control Farmaceútico in Santiago from Nov 27 to Dec 2, 2006. ($2,825)
PAHO Strengthening the Teaching and Training of Geriatrics in Latin America: To strengthen and enhance the continuing education of medical professionals in geriatrics. This project is a continuation of the 2005 activities. ($48,410)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Bogotá from Aug 8-12, 2006. ($9,400)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Quito, from Oct 16-20, 2006. ($8,893)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in San Salvador, from June 5-9, 2006.($11,013)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Panamá City from Oct 23-27, 2006. ($8,108)
PAHO Blood Safety: This is the second phase of this project that started in 2005. Its goal is to contribute to the reduction of health inequities by promoting the deployment of tools and technologies that improve availability and safety of blood for transfusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. The current phase aims to initiate the blood services reform needed for the efficient increase in the collection of safe blood and its appropriate use in Guatemala and Paraguay. ($71,712)
PAHO VIII Regional Meeting of the Observatories of Human Resources for Health; Action Plans for a Decade of Human Resources: Toward a Common Vision: To help cover project expenses for 101 participants of the conference held in Lima. Its purpose is build on current country experiences and activities to solidify individual country strategies and to outline specific actions plans for achieving the countries' health human resources development goals over the next 10 years. ($264,324)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Lima, from Dec 4-8, 2006. ($10,062)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To help support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Montevideo, from July 7-14 2006. ($9,500)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization: To support the costs of participants that attended the Curso Nacional sobre el Uso Adecuado de la Guia para la Verificación de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura in Caracas, from Oct 23-27, 2006. ($9,973)
PAHO PRO VAC Workshop: To support project expenses for the PRO VAC Workshop that introduces decision analysis and economic evaluation methods to vaccine managers and improves the ability of managers to frame, conduct, and interpret economic studies for the introduction of new vaccines. ($290,127)
PAHO Creation of a Regional Disaster Response Team in Latin America and the Caribbean: To create a health disaster response team in the LAC region that can be rapidly deployed when a major disaster strikes. ($159,500)
PAHO ETHOS IV: To support the translation into four languages and the production of a CD of the publication ETHOS IV, a publication dedicated to the discussion of ethics in policy making that relate to public health. To read more about this successful project, please
click here. ($52,948)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). To determine the extent of the problem posed by intestinal worms in Belize in order to determine which public health actions must be implemented and where. ($40,000)
To expand the Central America Diabetes Initiative (CAMDI) to Panama and Belize; this phase involves a survey to determine the prevalence of obesity, sedentary life style, and behavioral risk factors for noncommunicable diseases. ($57,336)
PAHO Blood Safety: To strengthen the national blood collection systems of Guatemala and Paraguay. ($93,650)
PAHO / PALTEX. To improve the capabilities and expertise of physicians through the Towards a New Medical Professionalism: Reorienting Medical Education Project resulting in strengthened national health care systems better able to provide quality, accessible health services to the people of Latin America. ($174,250)
To promote the salt fluoridation method in Latin America to prevent dental caries through a technical publication: Spanish version to be produced by the Expanded Textbook and Instructional Materials Program (PALTEX)/PAHEF ($19,250); English version to be produced by the Pan American Health Organization. ($16,750)
PAHO Drug Regulatory Harmonization Forum of the Americas.
To support the forum through 13 grants for all aspects of quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceuticals and their effect on quality of life and health care of people in the Americas through participation in a variety of conferences and courses (Argentina, Dominican Republic, Panam�, Uruguay, Washington DC). ($60,217)
To launch the multinational campaign Healthy People: Healthy Lives, Better Lives with the popular TV personality known throughout the Americas, Don Francisco, to build awareness about the problems of obesity and the importance of healthy life styles in Latin America. ($14,765)
PAHO / CAMDI. To expand the Central America Diabetes Initiative (CAMDI) to Panama and Belize; this phase involves a survey to determine the prevalence of obesity, sedentary life style, and behavioral risk factors for noncommunicable diseases. ($57,336)
PAHO Blood Safety: To strengthen the national blood collection systems of Guatemala and Paraguay. ($93,650)
PAHO / Cervical Cancer Screening. To evaluate the population effectiveness of the low cost cervical cancer screening technology (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid [VIA] test) in a low-resource setting in San Martín, Peru. ($1.34 million)