III. Applying for a Grant from the PAHEF Grants Program
Grant application (Word) Grant application (PDF)
Who is eligible? PAHO technical units, PAHO country offices, PAHO centers, recognized non-profit NGOs, universities, semi-autonomous government laboratories, and research centers in Latin America and the Caribbean are eligible to apply. Applicants must be legally registered in the country of grant implementation. They should have an established bank account in the name of the applicant; and they should demonstrate internal controls to govern the use of funds. If two organizations are working together, the relationship between them must be made explicit in the application. US not-for-profit organizations with on-going operations in Latin America and the Caribbean will be considered; the application should come preferably from the local country office directly.
The 2008 submission deadline is 5 PM EST May 30, 2008. Complete proposal packages, either by email or by regular mail, must be received in the Foundation’s Washington, DC office by this date to be considered for review.
Grant Size and Term
The small grants program provides funding for projects in the range of $5,000-$25,000 per year for projects of one or two year’s duration.
Proposal Language
All proposals must be submitted in English and all budgets must be expressed in US dollars. An additional summary of the project may be submitted in Spanish, French or Portuguese. Applications that do not meet standards of satisfactory composition may be dismissed; machine translations are not satisfactory.
Review Process
Final selection will be made at the November 2008 meeting of the Board of Trustees and project funding may begin in January 2009. Winners will be notified preferably by e-mail. A grant agreement letter will follow and grant funds will be disbursed when the letter is signed by legal representatives of the foundation and grantee organization.
Please do not write or call to request information about the status of your proposal.
Proposal Requirements
Proposals should demonstrate an understanding of the issues addressed, as they relate to the 2008 themes articulated above. Proposals should demonstrate sustainability, innovation, cultural sensitivity, and the fostering of partnerships, including public-private partnerships, with other stakeholders. The program will give special consideration to pilot projects, to projects that can be replicated across Latin America and the Caribbean, and projects that support operations research, teaching, the development of protocols, or related approaches to solving problems.
Requests for funds for general operations, political lobbying, construction of buildings, or maintenance will not be considered.
Proposal Submission Proposals may be submitted either electronically via email to or sent in hard copy by regular mail. In both cases the proposal must be signed by the applicant. Please do not use folders and do not bind the proposal. Do not send additional attachments or collaterals (videos, books, program materials, etc.); they will not be reviewed nor returned. If you submit electronically, we suggest that your attachments are presented in PDF or MS Word format taking into consideration our guidelines, as stated below, in reference to the permitted size of the attachments and allowed file extensions. In the e-mail subject line please type: PGP08 –Your Country Name –CO (for Childhood Obesity) HA (for Healthy Aging) - Title of Project (abbreviated if necessary using key words).
Please be advised that the following file extensions are blocked from our server and consequently we cannot receive attachments submitted electronically with any of these extensions:
*.SC *.URL *.VB *.VSD *VSS *.VST *.VSW *.WS? *.ZIP *.CMH
*.JS? *MDW
There is a limit to the size of file attachments that we can receive. Please observe in the following guidelines that the time referred to is Eastern Standard Time (EST) :
Less than 5MB-anytime during the day
5MB-15MB- from 7PM EST - 6AM EST
Over 15MB- will be deleted
Failure to observe these guidelines may result in an incomplete or failed submission.
Mailed proposals should be sent to:
PAHEF Grants Program
525 Twenty-Third Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037-2895
You will be notified by e-mail when we receive your submission.
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