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About the Foundation
Make A Difference
Grants Program
International Awards

“Our goal must be a world in which good health is a pillar of individual well-being, national progress, and international stability and peace. This cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community, and civil society.”

— Kofi A. Annan, ex-Secretary-General of the United Nations

Grants Program » Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) Grants Program 2008 

Please follow these instructions carefully. All organizations must submit a two-page grant submission cover form. This includes organizations applying to PAHEF for the first time, as well as those who are current or previous PAHEF grantees. Prior to requesting funding, carefully review the funding priorities to determine whether the proposed project falls within the Foundation’s current interests.

All proposals must be submitted in English.

A. Grant Submission Cover Form & Project Summary
Your submission must include the two-page grant submission cover form, and a one-page project summary in English. If desired, a translation of the summary in Spanish, Portuguese, or French may be included.

The summary should follow the flow of the proposal narrative (see below) and the budget.

B. Proposal Narrative

The proposal narrative must contain the following five (5) sections and may not exceed 13 pages.  Please follow the instructions below.  Please use 12-pt font and 1-inch margins, and include your organization’s name, the date, and the page number in the header on each page.

1. Project Background and Rationale  (2-3 pages)
Clearly articulate the problem you are addressing using the relevant literature, including the scope, history, causes of the problem and gaps in knowledge. Describe how your project relates to the broader context of ongoing activities in the field and how your proposed solution will impact the health problem. If applicable, tell how your project can be applied or adapted to future initiatives.

2. Goals and Objectives (1-2 pages)
Describe the goal including how your project relates to the Foundation’s identified lines of work. Describe the measurable objectives to be accomplished during the project period and how they will contribute to the overall achievement of the goal and expected health outcomes.

3. Project Design and Implementation Plan (3-4 pages)
Describe the program design and major activities to achieve the stated objectives. Specify the geographic area(s) where the project will take place. Explain factors that could inhibit the success of your proposed activities and how these will be overcome. Describe how project activities will be sustained, or transitioned to other sources of support, at the end of the proposed project period.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation (1-2 pages)
Describe your plans to monitor the project and identify the specific outcomes/ impacts and indicators that will be used to define progress and success during your project period. Include plans for dissemination of the findings and possible impact of the research on policies and programs.

5. Organizational Capacity (1-2 pages)
Briefly describe your organization’s history, mission, structure, and activities in developing countries. What is the comparative advantage you bring to the accomplishment of the proposed activities?

C. Budget
Provide a total project budget by major activities, expressed in US dollars.  State the organization’s total operating budget.  If appropriate, please indicate whether support (in-kind or financial) is being provided for this project by other organizations, and indicate the amount and source.  Is the project sustainable beyond the term of PAHEF funding?  Please describe.

D. Ethics Research Requirement (if applicable)

Funds will not be disbursed until the grantee submits letters of approval from the Institutional Ethics Review Boards in the country or countries where the research is to take place, and the approval of the leading institutions. Grantees will be notified as early as possible of the likelihood of an award and asked to proceed immediately to obtain ethics approval.

E. Non-Profit Status
If selected, grantees will be required to submit a copy of your organization’s non-profit status before any funding is made. Grantees will be notified as early as possible of the likelihood of an award and asked to proceed immediately to obtain this document.

F. Attachments
Attach a brief CV or biographical sketch of the project manager and the provided checklist before sending your application.


The Pan American Health and Education Foundation seeks to advance knowledge of and good practices in the areas of: 1) childhood obesity and nutrition and 2) healthy aging. We wish to support new approaches that accurately address these needs and organizations that share our vision for enhancing health care in the Americas.
