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About the Foundation
Make A Difference
Grants Program
International Awards

“Our goal must be a world in which good health is a pillar of individual well-being, national progress, and international stability and peace. This cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community, and civil society.”

— Kofi A. Annan, ex-Secretary-General of the United Nations

Make A Difference 

The Pan American Health and Education Foundation invites you to come aboard as a partner in achieving a healthy future for all primarily in the Americas.

Partnership funds represent our far-reaching commintment to greatly improve the health of people primarily in the Americas. Only joining with individuals, professionals, associations, and nongovernmental organizations, among others, to pursue activities of common interest will we be able to sucessfully address the most important health issues in our world.

As a US public charity, PAHEF can establish donor-advised or other types of restricted funds to help you achieve your charitable intentions within the umbrella of our foundation and health mission.

Together we can advance public health and help to improve the lives of the people in primarily the Americas. 
