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“Our goal must be a world in which good health is a pillar of individual well-being, national progress, and international stability and peace. This cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community, and civil society.”

— Kofi A. Annan, ex-Secretary-General of the United Nations

Make A Difference » Partnership Funds » Eduardo R. Mendez Memorial Fund 

March 2008, Keynote address by Dr. Stella Maris Alzamora

The Pan American Health and Education Foundation supported the participation of Dr. Stella Maris Alzamora of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina as the keynote speaker of the fourth annual conference “Conferencia Magistral Ing. Eduardo Mendez” at the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico. Her presentation was entitled "Preparing Safe Food: A Current Research Perspective."

March 2007, Keynote address by Dr. Olga Martin

In March 2007, the foundation supported an honorarium for the participation of Dr. Olga Martin, professor of food engineering at Lleda University, Spain, in the third annual conference “Conferencia Magistral Ing. Eduardo Mendez” held in Puebla, Mexico. Dr. Martin presented a lecture entitled “Emerging technologies in the food industry: Application of Electric Pulses (PEAIC)”, a new non-thermal food processing technology which promises to extend the shelf life of food without affecting the taste and quality of the products.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Olga Martín

March 2006, Keynote address by Dr. Osvaldo H. Campanella.

Through an honorarium from the foundation, Dr. Osvaldo H. Campanella, professor of agricultural and biological engineering at the Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research at Purdue University presented a lecture entitled "Mathematical Models: A Useful Tool for Food Processing Studies" at the second annual conference Conferencia Magistral Ing. Eduardo Mendez” held at the Universidad de Puebla, Mexico.

Photo courtesy of Dr.

Osvaldo Campanella

March 2005, Keynote address by Dr. Gustavo V. Barbosa- Cánovas.

In early 2005, the foundation supported an honorarium for the participation of Dr. Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, professor of food engineering at Washington State University and director of the Center for Nonthermal Processing of Food (CNPF), in the first annual conference “Conferencia Magistral Ing. Eduardo Mendez” held in Puebla, Mexico, in March 2005. There he presented a lecture on pulsed electric fields (PEF) processing of milk, a technology which inactivates pathogenic bacteria and unwanted enzymes at low temperatures, and its implementation at the industrial level.

pulsed electric fields (PEF) processing of milk

Photo courtesy of Dr. Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas 

food technology, Eduardo mendez

Poster of the Conferencia Magistral Ing. Eduardo Mendez
