About FMF
Fundación Metrofraternidad (FMF)
Through its main clinic, Centro Médico de Especialidades Fraternidad, and alliances with other organizations, the Metrofraternidad Foundation (FMF) delivers basic health care services in family medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, dentistry and the like. All patients requesting service from FMF are first prequalified by a trained social worker who collects relevant family information and makes home visits.
Complex cases are treated through FMF's relationship with the Metropolitan Hospital/Hospital Metropolitano, which is right next door to the clinic. As a shareholder, FMF is responsible for ensuring quality health care services at the hospital.
Alliances have been established with a network of other nonprofit organizations that are able to provide FMF patients with anicillary services not available at the main clinic. Participating organizations include World Vision, Compassion International, Children International, Patronato Municipal San José, Fundación Reina de Quito, Fundación Corazón, Fundación Cámara de Comercio de Quito, Fundación José Kentenich, etc.
Over the last decade, 10,000 families have received health care services through FMF. At its central clinic alone, the number of patients examined by the 200 some doctors who volunteer their time and services is up to nearly 3550 a year. Clients requiring specialized care are referred to the Metropolitan Hospital, which is right next door to the clinic. Most recently, the number of FMF patients served at the hospital annually is over 1055 while the number of surgeries is 185.
FMF leaders and staff are committed to restoring health to low-income Ecuadorians suffering from complex conditions - individual to individual and community to community. The path to achieving this goal incorporates four strategic objectives.
- Strengthen the FMF by developing the capacity of its staff to provide quality state-of-the-art services with warmth and compassion.
- Conduct medical exams at the medical center, Centro Médico de Especialidades Fraternidad, in collaboration with medical specialists on staff at the Metropolitan Hospital.
- As a shareholder, FMF oversees the provision of hospital services and surgical interventions of high and medium risk conducted at the Metropolitan Hospital.
- Enhance the visibility of FMF, both within and outside of Ecuador, as a major and transparent organization to raise funds to support its long-term sustainability and create a synergy of strategic partnerships
FMF Values
- Commitment to the most needy
- Community service
- Excellence in service delivery
- Respect for human dignity
- Integrated approach to personnel
- Professional ethics
- Sense of the common good
- Health promotion
- Respect for the medical environment
FMF Goals
- Improve indices of management operations and of services
- Improve and optimize the interrelationship between the medical staff of Metropolitan Hospital and other institutions
- Expand medical and hospital care among people of limited economic resources through its clinic-based projects and Metropolitan Hospital
- To meet the need for surgery among low-income persons, increase the number of patients who receive surgical care
- Develop and strengthen current programs, such as Healthy Child, Heart Foundation, and Foundation for the Blind
- Optimize medical care resources to people of limited means through the implementation of collaboration agreements with other foundations and/or associations.
- Conduct a feasibility study
- Strengthen partnerships with New Earth, San José, ABEI, and others
For more information about the Metrofraternidad Foundation, click here .