The Abraham Horwitz Award
for Leadership in Inter-American Health
Guidelines & Form
The 2005 Call for Nominations is closed.
Through 15 April 2005, the Foundation is accepting nominations for the Horwitz Award. Nominees must be individuals whose professional achievement in any field of inter-American health stimulates excellence, and has impacted the health of populations across the borders of the Americas. They may be active in their careers, active though in formal retirement or retired having demonstrated an outstanding lifetime career. Nominees are eligible for the award if they are willing to attend the annual meeting of PAHO in Washington DC, and to present a speech at the awards ceremony on a public health topic, a part of this annual meeting.
PAHO/WHO staff members in active service, sitting members of the Foundation's board of trustees, and members of the Abraham Horwitz Award Committee are ineligible to receive the award.
To be considered, the nomination must be completed in its entirety.
To make a nomination, please submit and address a letter of introduction (no longer than one page) on official letterhead and a completed nomination form to the Abraham Horwitz Award Jury. The letter provides an opportunity to demonstrate the nominee’s leadership experience and skills.
The letter and completed nomination form must be signed and in English or Spanish. If the letter and nomination form are submitted electronically, they must have an electronic signature. Any unsigned documents will not be considered.
If you would like to nominate more than one individual, there must be a letter of introduction and a completed nomination form for each individual.
Submitted items other than the letter and completed nomination form will not be considered by the jury. Nominations must be received no later than 15 April 2005. Nominations received after this date will not be accepted.
Abraham Horwitz Award Jury
c/o Pan American Health and Education Foundation
525 23rd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 202-974-3416
Fax: 202-974-3636