“Patients don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Dr. Antonia Novello, Commissioner of Health for the State of New York. U.S. Surgeon General (1990-1993)

Grants Program » Small Grants Program 2005-2006 

III. Applying for a Grant from the PAHEF Small Grant Program

Who is eligible?
PAHO technical units, country offices, and centers, recognized NGOs, universities and semi-autonomous government laboratories and research centers in Latin America and the Caribbean. Applicants must be legally registered in the country of grant implementation. They should have an established bank account in the name of the applicant; and they should demonstrate internal controls to govern the use of funds. If two organizations are working together, the relationship between them must be made explicit in the application.

The 2005 submission deadline is June 30, 2005. Complete proposal packages must be received in the Foundation’s Washington, DC office by that date.

Grant Size and Term
The small grants program provides funding for projects in the range of $5,000-$25,000 per year for projects of one or two year’s duration. .

Proposal Language
All proposals must be submitted in English and all budgets must be expressed in US dollars.

Review Process
Final selection will be made the November 2005 meeting of the Board and project funding will be distributed in December 2005.

Proposal Requirements
Proposals should demonstrate an understanding of the issues addressed, as they relate to the 2005-2006 themes articulated above. Proposals should demonstrate sustainability, innovation, cultural sensitivity, and the fostering of partnerships, including public-private partnerships, with other stakeholders. The program will give special consideration to pilot projects, to projects that can be replicated across Latin America and the Caribbean, and projects that support operations research, teaching, the development of protocols, or related approaches to solving problems.

Requests for funds for general operations, political lobbying, construction of buildings, or maintenance will not be considered.

Proposal Submission
Completed proposals should be sent to:

Small Grants Program
525 Twenty-Third Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037-2895.

Or you may send it by email to:
[email protected]

If you choose to send additional attachments or information (videos, books, program materials, etc.), please do not send originals; they will not be returned. Proposals may be submitted electronically in PDF format, with signatures. If you submit electronically do not send collateral materials separately; they will not be matched with your proposals.

The Foundation will be unable to respond to individual correspondence. Please do not write or call.
